MuseumLink Project Info
Prairie Ecosystems
Prairie Restoration
Planting a Prairie Garden
Human Voices
Inspiration for Art
Restoration Game
Field Guide
Web Sites
Curriculum Sources
Teacher Orientation
      You can learn about the prairie in many ways -- by reading a book, by learning about the plants on the prairie, by exploring the Web, or by doing activities in the classroom or on the prairie. Here a few resources to get you started on your adventure.

Field Guide


Web Sites

Curriculum Sources

ISBE Learning Standards


Available as a PDF (Portable Document File) or HTML file.

This activity on using prairie plants to make dyes for cloth and paper is for grades 5 and up. It is an experimental activity rather than a pre-made recipe activity.
Dye plants (html version)

Imagist prairie poems can be used for grade 3-12, or younger with more teacher guidance on using evocative words to create a mental picture and an emotiion about a plant, animal, or scene of the prairie.
Imagist Prairie Poems (html version)

This quilt activity is suitable for K-8. It involves printing out a prairie image or digital collage onto transfer paper, which is ironed onto cloth. A quilter will assemble the blocks.
Prairie Quilt (html version)

Prairie Classification (html version) activity

Prairie Adaptation (html version) activity

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