have widely-spaced trees with an understory of grasses and other herbaceous plants that require high levels of light. Many 'savannas' in Illinois were not savannas in this strict sense, but consisted of widely spaced groves or clumps of trees, shrubs, and thickets in the middle of a grassland (prairie).
changing savannas
Other savannas occurred, in areas with poor, sandy soils and low moisture content that were burned by prairie fires. Because of the poor moisture and nutrient conditions of the soils, these savannas did not convert to woodland so rapidly. They are probably our best remaining examples of savanna vegetation. Because there are no longer annual fires, the rich-soil savannas are nearly extinct. The scrubby trees that were fire-repressed have now grown much larger. Typically, grazing by domestic livestock has eliminated the shrubby understory, especially hazel, which the original land surveyors of the nineteenth century frequently reported. How
are savannas different from barrens?
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