The following is a list of the species of the Illinois system obtained by us in collections, arranged in the order of their appearance in 1,115 collections made from that stream and its tributary waters.
The Fishes of Illinois
Stephen Alfred Forbes and Robert Earl Richardson
Division of Natural History
Second Edition, 1920
pages xcii-xciv
Species | Collections |
Golden shiner | 183 |
Bluegill | 179 |
Blunt-nosed minnow | 162 |
Green sunfish | 158 |
Black bullhead | 144 |
Redfin (lutrensis) | 142 |
Large-mouthed black bass | 135 |
Spot-tailed minnow | 133 |
Tadpole cat | 132 |
Black crappie | 130 |
Etheostoma jessiae | 119 |
White crappie | 119 |
Silverfin | 116 |
Orange-spotted sunfish | 112 |
Bullhead minnow | 110 |
Straw-colored minnow | 108 |
Channel catfish | 108 |
Common shiner | 105 |
Johnny darter | 100 |
Stone-roller | 99 |
Yellow bass | 95 |
River chub | 90 |
Blunt-nosed carp | 54 |
Pirate perch | 54 |
Sheepshead | 53 |
Sort-nosed gar | 52 |
Opsopæodus emiliæ | 49 |
Chub-sucker | 48 |
Small-mouth buffalo | 46 |
Boleosoma camurum | 45 |
Common bullhead | 42 |
Quillback carp | 39 |
Rainbow darter | 39 |
Short-headed red horse | 39 |
Long-eared sunfish | 37 |
White bass | 36 |
Rock bass | 35 |
Log-perch | 35 |
Stonecat | 32 |
Notropis cayuga | 29 |
Red-mouth buffalo | 28 |
Dogfish | 27 |
Lepomis miniatus | 24 |
Mud-cat | 22 |
Notropis jejunus | 21 |
Banded darter | 21 |
Long-nosed gar | 20 |
Pike-perch | 20 |
Mud-minnow | 18 |
Mongrel buffalo | 17 |
Hadropterus evermanni | 3 |
Burbot | 3 |
Notropis phenacobius | 2 |
Silver chub | 2 |
Lepomis symmetricus | 2 |
Notropis anogenus | 2 |
N. illecebrosus | 2 |
Viviparous top-minnow | 1 |
Mooneye | 1 |
Black-horse | 1 |
Placopharynx duquesni | 1 |
Notropis pilsbryi | 1 |
Hybopsis hyostomus | 1 |
Blue cat | 1 |
Species | Collections |
Common red-horse | 90 |
Gizzard-shad | 89 |
Brook silverside | 89 |
Silvery minnow | 86 |
Warmouth | 83 |
Shiner | 82 |
Yellow bullhead | 82 |
Pumpkinseed | 82 |
Notropis heterodon | 81 |
Sucker-mouthed minnow | 78 |
Yellow perch | 75 |
Striped top-minnow | 75 |
Horned dace | 72 |
Black-sided darter | 70 |
Common sucker | 69 |
Small-mouthed black bass | 69 |
Blackfin | 67 |
Black-head minnow | 67 |
Common top-minnow | 66 |
Hogsucker | 61 |
Grass pike | 61 |
Hadropterus phoxocephalus | 58 |
Pike | 17 |
Notropis gilberti | 15 |
White-nosed sucker | 14 |
Trout-perch | 14 |
Cottogaster shumardi | 14 |
Striped sucker | 13 |
Red-bellied dace | 13 |
Sauger | 13 |
Boleichthys fusiformis | 13 |
Silvery lamprey | 12 |
Menona top-minnow | 11 |
Fan-tailed darter | 11 |
Common River carp | 11 |
Least darter | 10 |
Lake carp | 10 |
Paddlefish | 8 |
Toothed herring | 8 |
Notropis rubrifons | 8 |
Storer's chub | 7 |
Sand darter | 7 |
Blue-breasted darter | 6 |
Freckled stonecat | 5 |
Miller's thumb | 5 |
Black-nosed dace | 4 |
Ericymba buccata | 4 |
Skipjack | 3 |
Spotted shiner | 3 |
Lepomis ischyrus | 3 |
Brindled stonecat | 1 |
Slender stonecat | 1 |
Brook stickleback | 1 |
Round sunfish | 1 |
Lepomis euryorus | 1 |
Hadropterus scierus | 1 |
Lake sturgeon | + |
Shovel-nosed sturgeon | + |
Alligator-gar | + |
Eel | + |
Ictarulus anguilla | + |
Muskallunge | + |
Green-sided darter | + |