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        What is Archaeology?
Have you ever imagined yourself to be an archaeologist, exploring the mysteries of the past and uncovering ancient artifacts? Archaeology is much more hand with pointthan digging up wonderful objects. In fact, some of the most important finds at archaeological sites are pieces of trash left behind by ancient inhabitants. These burnt nutshells, animal bones, or small stone chips left over from toolmaking can tell us a lot about how people lived.

Why Field Work?
Research questions and a plan of action are the reasons behind archaeological fieldwork. Many questions about the lives of ancient people cannot be answered unless archaeologists perform excavations or surveys in the field. They are looking for objects left behind that may help answer questions. 

Sometimes state and federal laws require the protection of archaeological sites. For instance, when a new highway is planned archaeologists survey the area and record sites before the highway is constructed.

Steps in Doing Field Work

There are several steps involved in the archaeological process-before, during, and after the ground is broken. They include

  • survey
  • excavation
  • laboratory studies
  • publication and presentation. 

All of these steps are equally important, and Museum archaeologists participate in each stage of the work.

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