Art Web Exhibits
 - A Family Farm Album: Photography of Frank Sadorus
- The wonderful photographer Frank Sadorus lived and worked on a farm in eastern Illinois. He was an amateur photographer who chronicled his life and times. The three galleries in this exhibit feature his work and historical farm implements.
 - Art in the Abstract
- This version of the Museum's popular exhibition offers an introduction to understanding abstract art through a variety of interactive resources. It features examples of abstract art from the Illinois State Museum collection. It also highlights the career of Manierre Dawson, a pioneer of abstract art in the Midwest. Fine Arts Activities, Projects, and Lesson Plans stressing the elements of abstraction in art and based on I.S.B.E Standards and Goals for art education are included for Grades 1-12.
 - L. Brent Kington: Mythic Metalsmith
- The L. Brent Kington: Mythic Metalsmith exhibition revists Kington's early cast silver and bronze toys of the 1960s, his pivotal pieces of forged iron and steel while transitioning into blacksmithing, a series of forged iron kinetic weathervanes, painted Icarus pieces, and follows ultimately to his larger, contemporary abstract sculptures to present us with crosiers, spires, and crescents. This exhibition is comprised of objects borrowed from private and museum collections.
 - Lewis and Clark in Illinois
- Learn about what Lewis and Clark did, whom they met, and what they saw in Illinois during the winter of 1804 when they were preparing for their epic journey to the West.
 - Morton D. Barker Paperweight Collection
- Morton D. Barker, a resident and businessman of Springfield, donated his collection of classical paperweights to the ISM in 1976. The collection of over 150 objects includes excellent examples of millefiori, lampwork, and sulphides. The major glass factories of France and the United States are represented. Learn how each type of paperweight was made.
 - MuseumLink Art Web Exhibits
- The Web exhibits are: Three Chicago Painters - Emil Armin, Bertrude Abercrombie, and Julia Thecla; Two Illinois Photographers - Nathan Lerner and Frank Sadorus; Illinois Quilts and Quilters - Learn about the different styles, eras, and patterns of quilts; Illinois Folk Art - pottery, textiles, paintings, and sculpture made by untrained and trained artists in the 19th century; Victorian Furniture; Themes in Art and Folk Art - Abundance, Remembrance, Coming of Age, and Sense of Place
 - MuseumLink Behind the Scenes at the Museum
- Behind the Scenes lets students learn about museum careers of curator, preparator, director, resesarch assistant, and other jobs involved with running a museum. It offers descriptions of the ISM collections and research programs in Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, Geology, and Art. There is sections on how to mount an exhibit, how to restore an object, how donations are handled, how exhibit murals are made, and how prehistoric environments and lifeways are reconstructed from evidence. Suggestions are given for students to create an exhibit and research objects.
 - MuseumLink Native American Module
- Learn about the Archaic, Woodland, Late Prehistoric and historic eras of Native American lifeways in Illinois. Lesson plans include the topics of foodways, architecture, clothing, rituals, symbols, and games. This is the most thorough exhibit on the Web of Illinois-related Native American information. Activities are also provided for the Cub Scout and Boy Scout badges.
- Anthropology Exhibit: Illinois State Museum, Springfield
- These case exhibits focus on archaeological and ethnographic topics and artifacts such as Native American pottery, basketry, weavings, weapons, and tools. Find out more ...
- At Home in the Heartland: Illinois State Museum, Springfield
- Listen to the stories of real people who lived in Illinois. Immerse yourself in the dramatic changes in household life over the past 300 years. Find out more ...
- The Mary Ann MacLean Play Museum: Illinois State Museum, Springfield
- The Play Museum is a free children's area at the Illinois State Museum-Springfield. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday (10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) and Sunday (1:00 to 4:30 p.m.) Closed Monday. Find out more ...