- Parts of a Projectile Point
Base - the
bottom end of a projectile point.
There are several common projectile point base shapes:
Straight base -the edge of the base is flat
Concave base - the base is indented
Convex base - the base protrudes proximally
- that part of a projectile point above the hafting area. A flintknapper
commonly makes the blade more distinctive by side notching or corner
notching the projectile point.
Hafting area
- the portion of a projectile point secured to a spear, dart, or arrow
Notch -
an indentation on the sides of the blade or at the corners of the base.
Flintknappers notch projectile points to create a different way to attach
the point to the spear, dart, or arrow shaft.
Corner-notched point - a point with indentations placed where
the side of the blade and the base of the point meet.
b. Side-notched point - a point with indentations on the side
of the blade
c. Unnotched point - a point with an unnotched
hafting area, also often called lanceolate-shaped points.
Stem -
a type of hafting area of a projectile point created by side notching
or corner notching the point.
Expanding stem - a stem that diverges towards the base.
b. Contracting stem - a stem that converges towards the base.
c. Straight stem - a stem with parallel sides.