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: Harvesting
: Mussels
Shell-covered House
This photograph, taken during the 1943 flood, shows a small, single-story house with one chimney, a gently pitched roof, numerous windows and an entryway covered by a small porch with two vertical support posts. The outer surface of the structure is covered with dark and light-colored objects, presumably shells and perhaps some stones, which are clearly arranged in patterns. Light-colored shells cover the upper portion of the chimney, all eaves, including those of the porch roof, the porch's support posts and some window frames. A horizontal band of light shells extends around the structure just above the window openings. Light-colored shells also spell out a sequence of letters above the row of windows appearing on the right-hand side of the photograph. They appear to spell out "[S]AM[S] HOME." The remaining portions of the walls are covered in dark shells or stones.