
Content Processing

In order to put voice back into oral history, the audio and/or video media must be easily accessible whereby the user can readily browse passages on a particular topic.

OHIAP content processing methods were broadly structured by:

Steps to Create Searchable Interview Content Database Using InterClipper

Divide Interviews (wav or avi file) Into 8-to-10 Minute Segments (SEGS)

screenshot here

Compose paraphrased annotations for each SEG using thematic terms (CONTROL WORDS), and key names, places, and dates (NAMED THINGS)

screenshot here

Highlight STORY-CLIPS: In each SEG, selected passages are defined and annotated (again using CONTROL WORDS and NAMED THINGS)

screenshot here

CONTROL WORD Development

Initial annotations are the basis for developing a list of Control Words, which is iteratively revised and updated with growing number of interviews processed.

screenshot & CONWORD LIST

graphic example showing reduction in number of SEG & STORY-CLIP results with use of several CONWORDS here

Data Migration

Migration of the InterClipper OHAIP database to Microsoft Access and MySQL is necessary to serve the OHIAP database on the web and facilitate efficient web-based queries. This migration will allow professionals to import the OHIAP database into other database software for off-line use.

screenshot here


To date all 18 interviews in the NIU Oral History Collection, 44 interviews in the UIS Oral History Collection, and 6 new interviews in the ISM Oral History Collection have been indexed for content. This represents a total of XXX hours of interview, XXX segments, and XXX story-clips.

Although CONTROL WORD development and refinement continues, it is sufficiently robust to provide examples illustrating the power of the indexing method.