List of Faunmap age codes

Evaluation of, and decisions about assignment of an Analysis Unit to an age class are not always straightforward. The files served here use the "Research Ages" (RESAGE) as defined on pp.24-25 of the Faunmap hardcopy.

If an Analysis Unit was predominantly incorporated in one RESAGE category but overlapped slightly with another, it was necessary to decide whether it should be assigned to the predominant category or whether it should be lumped with both categories. For example, if an Analysis Unit had minimum and maximum ages of 2100 years B.P. and 4300 years B.P, respectively, it was predominantly in the Late Holocene but overlapped slightly with the Middle Holocene. To resolve these issues, it was decided that if the overlap was less than 500 years, then the Analysis Unit would be assigned to the predominant category (e.g., Late Holocene, in this case). If the overlap was greater than 500 years, then the Analysis Unit was referred to a combined time category (E.G., Late/Middle Holocene). For the boundary between the Post-Columbian and Late Holocene, an overlap of 50 years was used.

Some things to note:

Here are the codes and values used for assignment.
HIST (Post-Columbian) 0-550 years B.P.
LHOL (Late Holocene) 450-4500 years B.P.
HIHO (Post-Columbian/Late Holocene) 0-4500 years B.P.
MHOL (Middle Holocene) 3500-8500 years B.P.
LMHO (Late Holocene/Middle Holocene) 0-8500 years B.P.
EHOL (Early Holocene) 7500-10,500 years B.P.
EMHO (Early Holocen/Middle Holocene) 3500-10,500 years B.P.
LATE (Late Glacial) 9500-15,500 years B.P.
EHLG (Early Holocene/Late Glacial) 7500-15,500 years B.P.
FULL (Full Glacial) 14,500-20,500 years B.P.
GLAC (Glacial) 9500-20,500 years B.P.
HOLO (Holocene) 0-10,000 years B.P.
WIHO (Holocene/Pleistocene) 0-110,000 years B.P.
LWSC (Late Wisconsin) 20,000-40,000 years B.P.
WISC (Wisconsin) 10,000-110,000 years B.P.
