* Indicates books that may also be useful as a resource for the Double Exposure online unit on the photographs of Nathan Lerner and Frank Sadorus.
*Facts on File, Inc. The Great Depression: an Eyewitness History. 1996. A collection of first person narratives, 80 photographs, and eyewitness accounts, such as news articles and radio texts that follow the unfolding of the Depression and its effects from the prelude of 1919 - 29 to just before W.W.II. Young Adult level.
Medearis, Angela Shelf. Picking Peas for a Penny. Scholastic, 1993. Poetic reminiscence of a black family working on a farm during the Depression. Grades 2-5.
*Nishi, Dennis. Life During the Great Depression. Lucent Books, 1998. Workers during the Depression tell their stories, with black and white photographs and maps. Grades 6-10.
Norrell, Robert J. We Want Jobs! A Story of the Great Depression. Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1993. It is about life during the Depression in Pittsburgh, based on an interview of a steelworker of the time; includes an account of the 1932 march on Washington for jobs. Grades 4-6.
Rice, Dorothy Marie. The Seventeenth Child. The seventeenth child of black sharecroppers describes her life in Virginia and New Jersey during the Depression. Grades 3-6.
Stanley, Jerry. Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp. Dove Publications, 1992. A story about the homeless "Okie" migrant workers and the school they built in a California farm-labor camp. A 1993 ALA Notable Book, 1992 Library of Congress Book of the Year, 1993 Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for children. Grades 3-6.
*Stein, Richard Conrad. The Great Depression. Children's Press, 1994. Basic introduction to the Depression and the New Deal. New Edition with black and white photographs. Grades 3-6. Stewart, Gail. The New Deal. Silver Burdette, 1993. Discusses the events leading up to the Great Depression, the New Deal, and its end. Young Adult level.
Richard. Growing Up in the Great Depression. Simon & Schuster,
1994. Historical background, interviews, and photographs combine in an
impression of childhood during the Great Depression. Grades 5-7.