Books on Frank Sadorus and Nathan Lerner
Bial, Raymond, and Frederick A. Schlipf, eds. Upon a Quiet Landscape: The Photographs of Frank Sadorus. Champaign County Historical Archives, The Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL, 1983. This book contains 65 plates of photographs taken by Frank Sadorus. The essay tells about Sadorus' life and family.
Bouras, Harry, ed. Nathan Lerner: Fifty Years of Photographic Inquiry. Museum of Contemporary Photography, 1984. This catalog is companion to the exhibit of Lerner photographs that is traveling. It is expected to come to the Illinois State Museum in 2001.
Lerner, Nathan. A Photographic Retrospective, 1932 - 1979. Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, 1979. Essay and photographs of Nathan Lerner.
Elementary School Literature
Czech, Kenneth P. Snapshot: America Discovers the Camera. Lerner Publications Co., 1996. Social and cultural history of photography, 1839-1939.
Ellwand, David. Alfred's Camera: A Collection of Picture Puzzles. NAL/Dutton, 1999. The reader is asked to help Alfred the dog search for his camera in pictures that are jumbles of objects.
Oszustowicz, Kathy. Eye-D Picture Challenge. Summit Publishing, 1994. Learn by answering questions about 125 famous pictures.
Horwitz, Margot F. A Female Focus: Great Women Photographers. Watts, 1996. Personal histories of women photographers such as Margaret Bourke-White, and descriptions of schools of photography from the mid-1800s to the present.
Keller, Emily. Margaret Bourke-White: A Photographer's Life. Lerner Publications Co., 1996. The life and career of a photo journalist.
Kostick, Ann. My First Camera Book/Book and Camera. Workman Publishing, 1989. Teddy Bear Bialosky shares his secrets for taking good pictures and suggests projects.
Martin, Ann. Little Sister Photo Scrapbook, with Camera. (The Baby-Sitters Club). Scholastic, 1996. Kate Brewer, star of the Baby Sitter's Club books, takes photos to make a scrapbook. this book comes with a 110 mm. camera.
Sterling Staff. Click Book and Camera Kit. Sterling Publishing, 1998. Full color guide to photography with reusable 35mm camera and album.
Sullivan, George. Black Artists in Photography, 1840 - 1940. Cobblehill, 1996. A survey of famous African-American photographers, including Lion, Ball, the Goodridges, Battey, Scurlock, and Augustus Washington. It includes information on the social and cultural atmosphere of their eras and many black and white photographs
Wexler, Jerome. Everyday Mysteries. Dutton Children's Books, 1996. Closeups of everyday objects that become mystery-photos for you to guess what the subject was.
Wolf, Sylvia. Five Women Photographers: Julia Margaret Cameron/Margaret Bourke-White/Flor Garduno/Sandy Skoglund/Lorna Simpson. Albert Whitman, 1994.
Worcester, Donald. Cowboy with a Camera. Amon Carter Museum, 1999. A non-fiction book about cowboy/photographer Erwin K. Smith.
Zubroski, Bernie. Shadow Play: Making Pictures with Light and Lenses. William Morrow & Co., 1995. Boston Children's Museum Activity Book on light, shadow, and box camera.