Fragile Relations: Art, Nature and Environment - ISM Springfield
Fragile Relations: Art, Nature and Environment
Fragile Relations highlights the work of fourteen Illinois artists who are inspired by nature and the environment and show diverse ways of perceiving and experiencing the world. Further, through their work these artists delve into both the internal—or personal—and the external—or shared—environments. Through a process of reclaiming, Mary Ellen Croteau, Carole Komarek, Michele Stutt, and Toby Zallman transform discarded materials into beautiful works of art. Denise Bellezzo, Barbara Cooper, and Donna Hapac incorporate natural materials into work that reflect the balances, transformations, and humor in nature. Photographers Xavier Nuez, Jeff Crisman, Jean Sousa, Nora Lloyd, Marjorie David, and Mayra Pimentel explore the world around us—large and small, real and imaginary—revealing the junctures between humans and nature. Alex Lopez’s mixed media video installations invite the audience to experience an environment that is both beautiful and slightly disturbing. The exhibit is organized by Jane Stevens, Associate Curator/Gallery Administrator, Illinois State Museum Chicago Gallery. The exhibition runs from March 23, 2014 through August 31, 2014.
CLICK to Press Release for more information.
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