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Bead Resources

Coe, Ralph. 1977. Sacred Circles: Two Thousand years of North American Indian Art. University of Washington Press. (pp. 67-77)

Dockstader, Frederick J. 1973. Indian Art of the Americas. National Museum of the American Indian. (pp.45-48)

Feder, Norman. 1971. American Indian Art. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (pp. 361-367)

Friedman, Martin et al. 1972. American Indian Art: Form and Tradition. Minneapolis Institute of Art. (pp.48-52)

Maurer, Evan. 1977. The Native American Heritage: a Survey of Native American Indian Art. University of Nebraska. (pp. 84-87)

Orchard, William. 1975. Beads and Beadwork of the American Indians: a study based on speciimens of the Museum of the American Indian. Heye Foundation.


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