Native American Lesson Plan:
Comparison of Political Life
Objective: students will compare and contrast political leadership of three (3) cultures.
Museumlink Web sites:
Native American, historical,
Social Status
Time Required: 45 minutes
Students will read or be introduced to these sections of the Web site, along with
readings or discussion about the systems of leadership of the Euro-American
settlers, and those of today.
Discussion Questions for each system (Illinois Indians, Euro-settlers, todayís:
Who was eligible to become a leader?
What qualities raised oneís status?
What qualities did the people look for in a leader?
How were leaders chosen of society chosen?
What were the leadersí responsibilities?
How was their leadership judged? By whom?
What happened to a failed leader? How? Why?
How was this system advantageous for society? Disadvantageous?
Middle/Junior High: During the discussion, students can fill in the Venn diagram in
order to see the shared traits of the three societies, and to see the differences.
Early High School: After the discussion, students can write their conclusions about
the meaning of an aspect of the comparison and contrast(participatory democracy
versus consensus of leaders, leadership qualities, status of women, sex roles in
Late High School: After the discussion, students can write an analysis of the
consequences to the successful maintenance of one of the societies mentioned of
their type of political system (especially when confronting a culture with a different
system, as in the settlement by Europeans of Illinois)
Student writing should show an understanding of the concepts of the web site
materials and written materials on the subject. Analyses should show comparison
and contrast of parallel issues appropriately attributed to each culture.