When each grid is measured, and notes are taken to everyoneís satisfaction, return to class.
Use graph paper to draw a map of the measured grid. Using the scale that one square on the
graph equals one foot (or other scale decided upon). A large map could be made by putting all
the groupsí maps together (drawn at the same scale).
Upon completion of the map, the students will discuss it, perhaps answering these questions,
among others: (can be used as an assessment of the activity, orally or on paper)
Can you summarize your experience?
How accurate is your map? Why?
How do you make a survey map more accurate?
How did you mark where objects were that did not occur right on their grid lines?
Did you find any landmarks, permanent markers, bearing trees?
Why might people today want a survey of some land?
Who could use the survey of the playground (whatever was surveyed)?
What skills and knowledge are necessary to be a surveyor?
What additional skills would hilly terrain require? What might be the problems associated
with surveying hilly land?
Illinois State Board of Education Goals and Standards addressed:
Mathematics Goal 7: Estimate, make, and use measurements of objects, quantities, and
relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.
Social Studies: History Goal 17A and B: Describe and explain places. Explain how people
use markers and boundaries to analyze the Earth. Make and use geographical representations
(maps, charts).