Evaluation of the Exhibit and the Students
Teachers can evaluate students for this activity by 1) evaluating the exhibit, portfolios or journals of the
students' work and/or 2) having students answer these open-ended questions:
1. What new information did you learn about museum exhibitions and collections from this activity?
2. What new information did you learn about the topic selected for your exhibit?
3. What surprised you about the working with exhibits and collections?
4. What exhibitions and collections job did you like the best? Why?
5. What is the hardest thing about being a curator? Why?
6. What is the most important thing about collecting objects? Why?
7. Why is it important in museum careers to be able to work on a team?
8. Did the visitors learn something new from your exhibit? How do you know?
9. What would you change or do better the next time you put on an exhibit?
10. Give several reasons why your research on some objects could reach a dead end.
11. Why are the design and layout of an exhibit important?
12. What determines the kind of information that goes on an exhibit label?
Building a Museum in Your Classroom