Illinois Culture History Reading List

Paleoindian Period

Fagan, Brian M.
1987 The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America. Thames and Hudson.

Graham, Russell W.
1981 Kimmswick: A Clovis-Mastodon Association in Eastern Missouri. Science 312: 1115-1117.

Grumet, Robert S. and David S. Brose (editors)
2000 The Earliest Americans. In Common Ground: Archaeology and Ethnography in the Public Interest, pp. 15-33. Archaeology and Ethnography Program, National Park Service, Washington D.C.

Archaic Period

Phillips, James and James A. Brown (editors)
1983 Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest. Academic Press, New York.

Fowler, Melvin L.
1959 Summary Report of the Modoc Rock Shelter: 1552, 1953, 1955, 1956. Reports of Invetigations No. 8. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.

Jefferies, Richard W.
1987 The Archaeology of Carrier Mills: 10,000 Years in the Saline Valley of Illinois. Southern Illinois University Press.

Struever, Stuart and Felicia Antonelli Holton
1979 Koster: Americans in Search of Their Prehistoric Past. Anchor Press/Doubleday.

Woodland Period

Deuel, Thorne (editor)
1952 Hopewellian Communities in Illinois. Scientific Papers 5. Illinois State Museum, Springfield.

Emerson, Thomas E., Dale L. McElrath, and Andrew C. Fortier (editors)
2000 Late Woodland Societies: Tradition and Transformation accross the Midcontinent. University of Nebraska Press.

Farnsworth, Kenneth B. and Thomas E. Emerson (editors)
1986 Early Woodland Archeology. Center for American Archeology. Kampsville Seminars in Archeology, Volume 2. Kampsville.

Herold, Elaine Bluhm (editor)
1965 Middle Woodland Sites in Illinois. Bulletin 5. Illinois Archaeological Survey, Urbana.

Silverberg, Robert
1968 Mound Builders of Ancient America: The Archaeology of a Myth. New York Graphic Society, Ltd.

Mississippian Period

Emerson, Thomas E. and R. Barry Lewis
1991 Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest. University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

Folwer, Melvin L.
1997 The Cahokia Atlas: A Historical Atlas of Cahokia Archaeology.  Revised Edition. Illinois Transporation Archaeological Research Program, Urbana.

Kelly, John E.
1990 The Emergence of Mississippian Culture in the American Bottom Region. In The Mississippian Emergence. Bruce D. Smith, eidtor, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

Milner, George R.
1990 The Late Prehistoric Cahokia Cultural System of the Mississippi River Valley: Foundations, Florescence, and Fragmentation. Journal of World Prehistory. 4:1-43.

Pauketat, Timothy R. and Thomas E. Emerson
1997 Cahokia: Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.

Late Prehistoric Period

Anderson, David G.
1991 Examining Prehistoric Settlement Distribution in Eastern North America. Archaeology of Eastern North America 19:1-22.

Brown, James A. and Patricia J. O'Brien (editors)
1990 At the Edge of Prehistory: Huber Phase Archaeology in the Chicago Area. Illinois Department of Transporation and Center for American Archeology.

Dye, David H. and Cheryl Anne Cox (editors)
1990 Towns and Temples Along the Mississippi. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Hollinger, R. Eric and David W. Benn
1998 Oneota Taxonomy: Papers from the Oneota Symposium of the 54th Plains Anthropological Conference, 1996. The Wisconsin Archaeologist 79:2.

Santure, Sharron K., Alan D. Harn, Duane Esarey, Frances B. King, Nicholas W. Klobuchar, George R. Milner, Virginia G. Smith, Bonnie W. Styles
1990 Archaeological Investigations at the Morton Village and Norris Farms 36 Cemetery. Illinois State Museum,  Reports of Investigations 45, Springfield.

Colonial Period

Brown, Margaret Kimball and Lawrie Cena Dean
1995 The French Colony in the Mid-Mississippi Valley. American Kestrel Books, Carbondale, Illinois.

Franke, Judith A.
1995 French Peoria and the Illinois Country 1673-1846. Illinois State Museum, Popular Science Series, Vol. XII, Springfield.

Walthall, John A. (editor)
1991 French Colonial Archaeology: The Illinois Coutnry and the Western Great Lakes. University of Illinois Press.

Walthall, John A. and Thomas Emerson (editors)
1992 Calumet and Fleur-De-Lys: Archaeology of Indian and French Contact in the Midcontinent. Smithsonian Press.

Warren, Robert E. and John A. Walthall
1998 Illini Archaeology: Cultural Heritage and Repatriation. The Living Museum 60(2): 10-14.

American Period

Mansberger, Floyd
1997 Early Industrialized Pottery Production in Illinois: Archaeological Investigations at White and Company's Gooselake Stoneware Manufactury and Tile Works, Rural Grundy County, Illinois. Reports of Investigations, No. 53, Illinois State Museum, Springfield.

Rohrbaugh, Charles L. and Thomas E. Emerson (editors)
1988 Historic Archaeology in Illinois. Research Report 8, Midwestern Archaeological Research Center; Illinois Cultural Resources Study 6, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.

Schroeder, Erich K. (editor)
1991. Landscape, Architecture, and Artifacts: Historical Archaeology of Nineteenth-Century Illinois. Illinois Cultural Resources Study 15. Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield.