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Illinois Butterflys & Moths
Photo Gallery
ISM System :Butterfly and Moth Collection: Introduction


Butterfly and Moth Image Gallery : Butterflies

Speyeria idalia (Regal Fritillary)

The word idalia is Greek and means behold the sun, very apt for this brightly colored yellow-orange butterfly. The wingspan is from 3 to 4 inches. Coloration between the sexes varies slightly. The male has orange spots on the margin of the hindwing, while the female has yellowish-white spots. Otherwise both have white spots on the underside of the hindwings (unlike the silver spots of the Great Spangled Fritillary). Hindwing uppersides are a bluish-black.

This species lives in open areas such as prairies, and they prefer sandy areas. Adults males are active in mid-day. Adults feed on prairie flowers, including milkweeds and thistles. The female deposits eggs on violets in late summer.

Collection of the Illinois State Museum
Photograph by Dr. Everett Cashatt
Accession #:

<b>Speyeria idalia  (Regal Fritillary)</b>

Butterfly and Moth Image Gallery : Butterflies

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