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Illinois Butterflys & Moths
Photo Gallery
ISM System :Butterfly and Moth Collection: Introduction


Butterfly and Moth Image Gallery : Butterflies

Papilio (Heraclides) cresphontes (Giant Swallowtail)

The Giant Swallowtail is the largest butterfly in Illinois, with a wingspan of 4 to 6 inches. The upperside of the wings is brown. There are diagonal lines of yellow spots along the back edges of both forewing and hindwing. The undersides of the wings are yellow. The tail has a yellow center. Both sexes look similar.

This species lives in woods but may wander into open areas. It may be a statewide breeding resident of Illinois, but in some areas appears more regularly than in others. There are two generations per year. The first generation emerges from hibernation as a chrysalis in May or June. The second generation appears in September. Adults feed on the nectar of composite flowers, especially milkweed, phlox, and clover. Females lay eggs on ash trees. The larvae are night feeders on tree leaves and stems.

Collection of the Illinois State Museum
Photographed by Dr. Everett Cashatt
Accession #:

<b>Papilio (Heraclides) cresphontes  (Giant Swallowtail)</b>

Butterfly and Moth Image Gallery : Butterflies

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