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Illinois Butterflys & Moths
Photo Gallery
ISM System :Butterfly and Moth Collection: Introduction


Butterfly and Moth Image Gallery : Butterflies

Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak)

The Mourning Cloak is perhaps named for the dark, cape-like shape of its outspread wings. Its wingspan is from 3.2 to 4 inches. The upperside of the wings are dark brownish-purple. The irregular margins of the wings have pale yellow to white borders that fade with age. Just inside the yellow margins are blue spots.

This species lives in gardens, parks, and woodlands. It is found statewide in Illinois, but is more common in the northern half of the state. Adults, which live up to eleven months, hibernate in winter and become active with warm temperatures. They feed on nectar, sap, feces, and overripe fruit. The female lays eggs on willows, birches, elms, and hackberries. By July, the larvae become adults.

Collection of the Illinois State Museum
Accession #:

<b>Nymphalis antiopa  (Mourning Cloak)</b>

Butterfly and Moth Image Gallery : Butterflies

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