Erich Schroeder

Erich is in the Anthropology department at the Illinois State Museum. He has been here since October 1984, except for a two-year stint at the Anthropology Department of Texas A&M University. \ In his spare time he worked on his dissertation under the long-range internet tutelage of David Carlson at TAMU.

Take a look at theAmerican Bottom Landing site, as well as the Mississippi RiverWeb Museum Consortium.

At the ISM, Erich is the unoffical network manager, as well as participating in archaeological projects as a historical archaeologist and GIS technician. It was in this last capacity that he served as part of the Faunmap project.

Erich also maintains the http/gopher server at the ISM, and is presently responsible for many of the documents on the server.

If you want to see some of his products, take a look at:

Barker paperweight collection eks