Collection of shamanic objects

Image by the Russian Museum of Ethnography
These objects, which are offerings or gifts, are attached to a metal image of an eagle, a shamanic helper spirit. Given the eagle's ability to travel through all of the worlds, it played an important role in shamanic curing of the sick. The objects in the collection include pelts of small fur-bearing mammals, cut pieces of pelts, noses of small fur-bearing mammals, beads, and ribbons. They were used in a magic ritual for obtaining luck from the hostess of the universe, Buga. The collection belonged to the powerful shaman Grigory Grigoryevich Dokholokta.

Turukhansk area, Ilimpian region, Uchale River, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Iron, cloth, fur, beads.

Length of bird 15.5 cm, span of wings 15.5 cm.

Coll. No. 4871-240.

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